Friday, January 18, 2008

Post 5 test

The inheritance of nuisance.

I have had a staunch view about inheritance of wealth, at least personally. There have been polar arguments with my parents about it. I have been expressing my intension to decouple myself from their wealth for some years now. They had a view that I was joking and was being naive, but, now, they are feeling the weight of the argument. They are under the pretension that I am taking this decision out of the arrogance that I am earning now, for i would have taken this decision even if i were leading a lower lifestyle strata.

I always respected their care to get me where I am now; I should owe it to them for giving me a good education and life style. I hear arguments which put forth "you accommodated the care shown by them then and now they are showing more care by passing on the legacy of wealth to me, why you are refuting it”. There are different ways of approaching life, but from my conditioning, I am convinced that only a life where we make our choices makes us responsible for our life, I am more a fan of Ayn Rand's objectivism flavored through Howard Roark and that makes me more comfortable in life. Its high-time we also come to terms that laziness to earn our basket of wealth through our own effort is not an excuse to take the least resistance path. It’s even insulting to relationships when i see families where there is a deceptive gel among them just because the hinge of wealth rests with their ancestor.

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